For those who live in Gurgaon

Friday, December 18, 2009

Weekend Gateway : Sultanpur Bird Sactuary

Since my childhood I have always heard that in Haryana in the name of culture there is only Agriculture. From whatever I have seen around the state, the adage does not seem to be untrue. Besides being the place of historical / mythological battlefield of Mahabharata, the state does not have much to offer in terms of travel and tourism. Add to it the rude language and the hostile people who are definitely not known for their hospitality. Incidentally, this is the state where I have lived the longest, though always at the periphery, sometime in suburbs of Chandigarh and sometimes of Delhi.

Looking for the gateways to spent weekends in an interesting way, I came across Sultanpur Bird Santuary which is actually a stone’s throw away distance from Gurgaon, but not many people seemed keen to visit it. I waited for December to come, which I read was the best time to visit the sanctuary as this is the time when most migratory birds come here. So this weekend, we headed towards Sultanpur, 17 kms from Gurgaon, on Gurgaon Farukhnagar Raod. I got 2-3 different driving directions and I chose one randomly, only to discover that it was a nightmare to cross Gurgaon from this route and on my return figured out that the other routes were equally bad. The failure of any signboards indicating anything like a national park, made us miss the crucial turn and we realized we are too far from Gurgaon, so have probably left the sanctuary behind somewhere. We traced our way back by an adventurous drive through various villages, kuchha roads and lots of mustard fields. Somewhere on the way we saw a small garden with a huge statue of Maharana Pratap. On close examination this was a place donated by Sisodia brothers to erect the statue and it was inaugurated by a descendent of the Maharana. What is funny is that all around the monument are engraved the names of the hundreds of people who donated anything for this monument. There are a few rooms at the back of the garden and the board there says that it is a Vridhh Ashram (an old age home), but on enquiring from the women who were using the garden to get some Vitamin D, I was told that there is a Baba who comes there once a week and operates from these rooms. He treats people through tantra and obviously he is the only person to use the premises. Do I not keep telling you that at times your lost ways too take you somewhere and leave you with some insights about the place?

Finally after two hours on road, we did reach the National park. It is a marshland, around a Lake, which allows the birds to come here and live in natural surroundings. The whole park has an area of about 360 acres which makes it a large park. There is an island kind of formation in the park and this where most of the birds come and stay, and it is also separated by distance from the circumference of the park. There is a paved path that would take you around the lake and in between there are jetty like pavements that would take you closer to the water and give you a better view of the birds on the central island, which does not seem accessible by foot. There are 2 machhans that we could see, where you can climb and be at a height of few feet to have bird’s eye view of the birds. We climbed on one, which was quite high. It was basic but with all safety features built in. The view from the top as one would expect was good, though beyond the periphery of national park you could feel the flat plain land, some fields and some high rise buildings coming up. My fear is that Gurgaon may expand in that direction and eventually lead to the non-migration of birds. At places you can see thousand of birds sitting in rows with perfect discipline, almost giving an impression of a school classroom.

There is an education and interpretation center which probably has a library and an audio video center with features on birds and their species. But being a weekend it was closed and we could not look at it. I am not too conversant with the variety of birds but this is what the text on the website says:

Approx 250 species of Birds are found at Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary. Some of them are resident, while others come from distant regions like Siberia, Europe and Afghanistan.

Name of some of the resident birds: Common Hoopoe, Paddyfield Pipit, Purple Sunbird, Little Cormorant, Eurasian Thick-knee, Gray Francolin, Black Francolin, Indian Roller, White-throated Kingfisher, Spot billed Duck, Painted Stork, White Ibis, Black headed Ibis, Little Egret, Great Egret, Cattle Egret, India Crested Lark, Red vented Bulbul, Rose ringed Parakeet, Red wattled Lapwing, Shikra, Eurasian collared Dove, Red collared Dove, Laughing Dove, Spotted Owlet, Rock Pigeon, Magpie Robin, Greater Coucal, Weaver Bird, Bank Mynah, Common Mynah and Green Bee Eater.

Every year more than 100 migratory bird species arrive at Sultanpur in search of feeding grounds and to pass the winter. In winter Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary provides a picturesque panorama of migratory birds such as Siberian Cranes, Greater Flamingo, Ruff, Black winged Stilt, Common Teal, Common Greenshank, Northern Pintail, Yellow Wagtail, White Wagtail, Northern Shoveler, Rosy Pelican, Gadwall, Wood Sandpiper, Spotted Sandpiper, Eurasian Wigeon, Black tailed Godwit, Spotted Redshank, Starling, Bluethroat and Long billed Pipit. Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary has birds in summer too, About 11 species of migratory birds such as Asian Koel, Black crowned Night Heron, Eurasian Golden Oriole, Comb duck, Blue cheeked Bee Eater, Blue-tailed Bee-Eater and Cuckoos come here.

It takes 1.5 hrs to take a full round of Sulanpur Bird Sanctuary on foot. Tourist can have a glance of Neelgai (Blue Bull) and Black Buck too.

There is a hotel / resort Rosy Pelican on the side of the national park, where you can stay if you want to catch the birds early morning. There is a restaurant operated by Haryana tourism. Since you are not allowed to carry your own food, and there is nothing else in the vicinity, you would be forced to eat there, but if possible this may be avoided. The food is bad, the toilets were pathetic, service poor and the basic hygiene missing. If someone from Haryana tourism is reading this, please do something about it.

I would recommend a visit to the Sanctuary but am not sure if you should do it this year as all the roads leading to and from this place are under construction, making it a nightmarish experience to go there. But if happen to be a bird watcher, it is a must visit for you, and do carry a powerful camera with you.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Jeffrey Archer in Gurgaon

I happened to attend a book promotion event at Landmark this Saturday, and the book being promoted was ‘Paths of Glory’ and the author was Jeffrey Archer. Now I must admit that I have not read any book by the author, but I know almost everyone I know has read some works of Lord Archer. Going by what I heard about him, I expected him to be a master storyteller and that is what he exactly turned out to be. I enjoyed myself completely at the event and for the first time saw a book shop full to the brim and people queuing up for taking his autographs.

Post the event I was thinking about what made him such a great storyteller. Like a typical VIP in India, he turned up late for the event, and then started by blaming the traffic for his delay. He started by talking about the book that he was promoting, stating carefully the parts that would excite the audience and make them get up and pick the book from the next aisle and read it as soon as possible. He spoke about himself, about his book, his struggle to get his first novel published, interesting anecdotes and everything sprinkled with a bit of humor. In future tense, he connected with the local audience and said he wanted to be transport minister in India, is writing a story based in India and spoke about R K Narayan and how he became a fan of his after reading his books. He took questions from audience, most of which were well anticipated questions. He answered every question with humor and honesty, when he had to say No, he said No. He took stock of the audience by asking them how many have read what kind of books, by asking how many write already and how many want to write in the future. Perfect communication, know who you are talking to, talk about them and their environment, talk about yourself in a way that they will buy you and your product. All this without being philosophical, without preaching and keeping the audience entertained. He managed to sell not only the book he just released but also the book that would come six months from now.

A master storyteller indeed…

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Why Gurgaon Gyan

Once upon a time I used to work and live in Gurgaon and I am back here after a gap of good seven years. In these seven years I developed a friendly relationship with the world wide web. For anything that I do not know and for any answers that I seek, I hit the search and more often than not I get the answers. So instinctively when I came to Gurgaon about three months back, I would look for answers and I did get them. One fine day I thought of connecting with the bloggers from Gurgaon, but could not locate them, probably they are lost in the jungle of NCR. The only blogs about Gurgaon are from the real estate companies and dealers for promoting their properties, but what about the people who are going to buy and live in those properties.

Gurgaon as a city has its unique identity, though most of the time it mingles with the big brother New Delhi and an umbrella city called NCR. It is still a small city in itself. If you live and work in Gurgaon and treat it as one complete city, it is a pretty comfortable place to stay in its present state. It is reasonably green except for the patches where there are high rise complexes in clusters. Yes, it has its own problems, biggest being no public transport, next being the power situation, with power available for only few hours in a day, but then these are the problems which we know. I am sure there are problems which I am yet to encounter just like there must be pleasant surprises waiting to crossed paths with.

As I live in this city, I would like to explore it, discover it and through this blog share it with other residents of Gurgaon. I would like this blog to be interactive, so please feel free to share any information, photographs, concerns, solutions, stories that you may have. If you do something interesting that you would like to share with fellow residents, please let me know, we can interview you and feature you.

Hoping to contribute a bit to the city I live in...:-)